
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Guilty Pleasure

hahaha :) Ohh how I shall introduce you to my guilty pleasure...the wonderful world of

Here, I waste countless hours of my time which should be spent doing schoolwork. Oh, well. I will share with you my recent favorites.

Today, I realised that romeo and juliet takes place over a time period of about 3 or 4 days. Put into perspective, that's like having a crush on a random school girl friday, meeting your true love at homecoming saturday, illegally getting married sunday, and committing suicide on monday. Talk about drama! MLIA

Today, the Jehovah witness people came to my house. When they asked me, "do you have the time to hear the good news." Deciding to be nice I said, "sure, come on in." after sitting on the couch in my family room for about 30 awkward seconds, I said, "well aren't you guys going to say something?" they replied, "we have never made it this far". MLIA

Bucket Lists

So, I have to be honest. The only reason I created this blog is because it's on my bucket list, AKA "100 Things to Do Before I Die". Lucky for you (which means no one, because no one is reading this), #14 on my list is to create a blog. Well, here it goes.

This blog is a secret. I don't want anyone I know to know about it. I'm afraid that if I keep writing and get really into it then I will reveal stuff about myself that is too secretive. I read this book a couple years ago about this girl that wrote an anonymous blog and then started writing about her intense hate for her enemy she was in high school with. Later, everyone at her school found out about the blog and started following it. Although the book might have had something to do with my inspiration for starting this blog, I have a great fear of ending up in her situation. Therefore, I wish to keep this 100% anonymous. Kapeesh?

Ugh, the next thing I would like to say is that I am so immensely stressed out and crabby right now. It was definitely not the time to start a blog, considering the current mood I'm in. I am up to my head in issues regarding a certain man called my boyfriend, schoolwork to do, family drama, and general questioning of my beliefs and no biggie, right? Oh well, I am going to need to learn to get over it like the rest of the world.

The last thing I should probably include in my first post is a little bit about me. Here goes.
I live in the midwest, where the weather is envied by neighboring regions...haha, joke. I have a puppy, who I love a whole lot. I would say he's my best friend, but I wouldn't want anyone to judge me. My favorite food is potatoes and I eat them by the pounds. I hang Christmas lights year-round in my room. I wear flip-flops in February. I spend way too much money on clothes, but that is only because I don't get paid enough. I hate taking pictures. I am a fighter, but I haven't always been. I think my worst quality is giving up. I envy confidence, natural beauty and respect. I pretend to be content. I wish I was more bold. I can't wait for next year. I'd rather be overheated than freezing. I like the smell of Hawaii and the peacefulness it brings me. I admire my older brothers, only they don't know it. I worry about where my relationship is going, but I know that it will all end up okay.

Everything is going to be okay.